Thursday 14 November 2013

Betrayal- an excerpt

The veil had been lifted
She knew me now….she knew what I had done.
She looked at me with hope that I would make it right, that I would tell her it was a lie, that I hadn’t done it, that I hadn’t failed her…..
I remained silent, looked her in the eye and when I couldn’t do it any longer I bowed my head in acceptance.
And then it sank into her, the reality, the finality of my deed. Her face changed shades from hope to such an acute pain that it became palpable!
She did not utter a word. She closed her eyes, moments passed…..however many they were, they felt like years of torment…she opened them. “Traitor!”, they screamed.
I flinched, because in that moment  I knew I knew there was no going back, that I will never be who I was before, not to her, not to the world and especially, not to myself.

Life as I knew it was over. There will only be remorse but no absolution.