Wednesday 1 January 2014

Resolutions for 2014

It is that time of the year when I most often for naught scribble resolutions for the year, yet over the years I have kept the tradition alive. I always limit my resolutions to ten but they have mostly been too general. My resolutions are my dreams and accomplishing them makes me feel like my dreams came true; in 2013 I managed to accomplish 5 out of 10 (a feat considering my past record). Hence to make it work this time, my first resolution is what will ensure that I achieve my goals. So let's cut to the chase and start with my resolutions for 2014!

Image: HocusFocus Photography

1. Baby Steps:

         In order to ensure that this time my resolutions work, I will start by making short term goals (monthly resolutions with weekly objectives) so that I am able to work on my resolutions instead of coming back to them after a year only to realise 'Ooops! Didn't work hard enough.'

2. Read Non-fiction Everyday:

         I thrive on fiction because it keeps my imagination enthralled and the characters speak to me as if they are real-life people. I love them and hate them as if they were real. Having said that, I feel that it is essential that one reads non-fiction in order to learn from actual lives of people and their views. I started by reading The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli and I had to stop at times to clear my brain and give room to the prose.
While shifting to non-fiction seems difficult, it is kind of a motivation in itself because it satiates one's thirst for knowledge. While I have been at it, I have not let go of fiction because every night before going to bed I HAVE to meet atleast one of these characters, hence reading before sleeping is a habit (probably one of my very few activities that are actually a permanent in my life). Reading non-fiction takes conscious effort though, and this year I plan to read more non-fiction and giving 30 minutes to non-fiction is about the right thing to start with.
Suggest some of the best non-fiction you have read please?

3. Write Everyday

        I love writing, I have been writing random stuff that comes to me which sometimes isn't too often. In order to hone my writing, find my voice and writing style I have decided to write for 30 minutes each day. I can totally do that because once I pick up my pen and my book there is always something to write about. My father recently got me a typewriter, a pleasant surprise that moved something within me and for some reason whenever I sit in front of the typewriter I end up writing a beautiful piece even though they are small but they keep me on edge and once I am done I take a picture, whatsapp it to my friends, email it to my mentors and show it to my parents and siblings because the sense of accomplishment is stupendous! (yes, will share them here on my blog).

4. Save

       I spend, a lot, and on things I don't really need, sometimes I regret later on because I could have spent it somewhere better. I spend mostly on makeup and then I realise I already had a shade close to the one I bought or that what I bought doesn't really suit me. So, to keep a check on myself, I have resolved to take out 25% of what I get and to ensure this does happen, I have got my mother on board as the regulatory body.

5. Stories en route to the novel

      Like any writer, my biggest dream is to end up writing a book. Since I have been addicted to fiction, that is what I have planned to go for at first. To test whether I will be able to write or not, I have started writing short stories. Lately, I have been making up characters and for me it is like meeting a new person only these are the people created in my mind and they talk to me and I learn about them through these conversations. My goal for January is to write at least one story, float it around and get reviews. An excerpt from one of my stories is the first thing I posted on this blog. You can view it here.

6. Learn French

      I have always wanted to learn French because it is beautiful, to me French is like a person whose demeanour screams elegance. Since I have been casting it aside and there is no better time than present to learn something new, so for 2014 French it is!

7. Get a new skill

        Getting a new skill is my top priority for this year because not only will it look good on my resume but it will satisfy my craving to update myself in some way. I can pot paint, glass paint, stitch, design, cook, write, present, create crazy makeup looks, speak in British accent, mimic Gerard Butler's Scottish accent and make weird faces suitable for all occasions (uhh yeah, the latter three HAD to be mentioned because it took me considerable efforts to achieve them). This year I am learning SEO because I am technologically challenged and I hate the stereotype where women are put in that category and unless I do something about it, much as I hate it, I'd still be in that category.

8. 'Cos you can Cancan

       My first experience in theatre was 'Moulin Rouge' by +Shah Sharahbeel  and it hooked me to plays, I try to go watch as many as possible now. Having watched many plays since, I have to say Shah Sharahbeel's play have all been amazing. Coming back to this resolution, I am 23 and not getting any younger, its kind of embarrassing admitting that I have never danced, as in, NEVER! It was Saturday, May 8, 2010 when I saw Satine appear on stage that I resolved that I will learn how to dance and haven't moved a muscle since but after attending many weddings and becoming a photographer instead of dancing with friends, I feel it is about time. My sister, who has a natural dancer within her, will be my teacher and I have set a monthly chocolate box as reward for her so that she keeps pushing me to dance.

9. Change my look once this year

        Enough Said!

10. Start my own Lifestyle Destination Website

        Fusing my passion to write, learn and network I have, together with my mentor, have decided to start a Lifestyle Destination Website for Pakistani women. The idea is still in its first stage and I am making a proper plan for this idea, all the stages have already been outlined so I should be able to start it by June 2014. *Fingers crossed*

Well, this sums up my major 2014 resolutions, I feel energetic and optimistic about 2014. As Richard Branson said, "While any time is a good moment to make a positive change, the new year always seems to be the most opportune time to make a new start."

So what are your new year resolutions?
Share them in comment box below.
Feel free to contact me on


  1. nice. i got a bucket list. but this year a plan to go all hay wired and crazy. want to try new things. good or bad. i want to give life a chance to explore, exploit and experience :)

  2. I think each year does bring with itself new things our way, but I thought this once I should try some new things deliberately while welcoming all that life has to bring

    Having said that, giving life the rein has a pleasure of its own :)
