Tuesday 27 May 2014

Levi's CEO: No need to wash your denim

Don't want to wash your jeans every so often? Levi's CEO, Chip Bergh, is your savior who is telling us not to wash our jeans.

Bergh confessed recently at Fortune's Brainstorm Green Conference that he doesn't wash his jeans and went on to say that the jeans he was wearing at the event hadn't been washed in a year. Levi's introduced their stone washed jeans, smoothed with rocks but no water, in the year 2011 so as to be environmental friendly and to save water.

Keeping the ick factor aside, what are the alternates of keeping the jeans sanitized if you are not washing them? Bergh recommends spot cleaning jeans with a toothbrush or a sponge and a small amount of detergent, instead of using water. 

Other ways suggested include spritzing jeans with Vodka or white vinegar and hanging them to dry. Also, you can turn the jeans inside out and keep them in refrigerator for a day or two once a month.

While the concept leads to environmental sustainability, how many people accept this idea is a separate matter though. Personally, I wouldn't be comfortable wearing jeans that hasn't been washed and I would never let anyone keep jeans in my refrigerator........eeeek!

So what do you think?

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